Not long now!

So for all of you loyal people still looking for up dates on here. First of we're really sorry we have not up dated this more often. So its 6th May and we'll be home on the 24th May. Not long now until we're back. We are currently in Bangkok, waiting for our bus to Koh Tao. We are now going to relax and top up our tans on the beaches of southern Thailand.

Monday, 11 June 2007


Got up really early today to move Scott's stuff to the new house. Nice warmer than the other. Moved a few things around to make it feel like home. Then popped out for lunch and when we got back the house had no power. Called the power company who said the power will not be on until tomorrow. The day Scott leaves for the UK. So as always we just grinned and beared it by getting ready and having some pots of Calton draught in the city with Scott. (thats beers to you and me). Hannah had to put her make-up on in the car as this is the only place with some light. (the car was parked on the driveway).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Neil and Hannah

Sorry if this is a bit late, but We all hope that you had a brilliant birthday in Taz. I tried to send you a message but for some reason it would not go through. Probably water on the line!!

We are battening down the hatches waiting for the next deluge of water which is supposed to arrive on Saturday.

Meadowhall is closed because of flooding. The Parkway to Grandma's was closed from Monday to Thursday, Chesterfield was closed and it took Scott and Joanna 4.5 hours to get from the M1 at Chesterfield to my house - and I hope that Tom & Cheryl are ok as Outibridge has been flooded as well and finally, oh, there is a god after all - TESCO's in Rotherham is under water - he, he, he - I can't take mum shopping on Saturday - Deep joy!!!!!

Can't get a roofer to come and fix the roof so I may not have any ceilings left at the front of the house after the weekend - The front room one is looking decidedly dodgy at the moment so may just be finished off with the next lot of rain.

Take care, stay safe, don't worry about us here I've bought a wet suit, snortle and mask - just need the flippers and I'm sorted - it's like Glastonbury indoors!!!

Will try to phone you at the weekend.

All my love, hugs and big sloppy kisses to you both - as ever,
Mum xxxxxxxxxx