Not long now!

So for all of you loyal people still looking for up dates on here. First of we're really sorry we have not up dated this more often. So its 6th May and we'll be home on the 24th May. Not long now until we're back. We are currently in Bangkok, waiting for our bus to Koh Tao. We are now going to relax and top up our tans on the beaches of southern Thailand.

Sunday, 2 December 2007

Look around Darwin, Tuesday 11th Sepember 2007

In Darwin we were going to the tourist information center and Hannah heard here name being shouted, she ignored it as who would now us here in Darwin. Again "Hannah!", we turned round and saw Peter again(not PK). We sat with him and chatted while he finished his coffee, then we all went to the the tourist information together. We got a few things to start our exploring of Darwin and said good bye to Peter. Might not see him again, who knows? Had an lazy afternoon on the net, food shopping and back to the campsite that night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What does it feel like to be famous in Oz?