Not long now!

So for all of you loyal people still looking for up dates on here. First of we're really sorry we have not up dated this more often. So its 6th May and we'll be home on the 24th May. Not long now until we're back. We are currently in Bangkok, waiting for our bus to Koh Tao. We are now going to relax and top up our tans on the beaches of southern Thailand.

Monday, 4 February 2008

Broome, Sunday 30th June 2007

In Derby we drove over the jetty and visited the prisoner boab tree. This is a large tree with a split in the middle and inside. They would put upto 20 men inside and stand gaurd over night. This wasa stop over site as the men were walking about 400km to the coast from Halls creek and Turkey creek around. Used over 150 years ago for about 100 years.
Arrived in Broome and because it was sunday all the shops were shut. So we just walked around and it was a nice place. We knew we had missed the stairway to the moon and special time when the moon reflection on the sands and water of the sea look like a stairway/staircase to the moon. But we thought we'd missed it by 2 days. The tourist info centre said the last one was last night. We could have made it.......oh well. These other things to see tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know you were gutted that you had missed the Stairway to the Moon but you have seen so many other wonderful things.