Not long now!

So for all of you loyal people still looking for up dates on here. First of we're really sorry we have not up dated this more often. So its 6th May and we'll be home on the 24th May. Not long now until we're back. We are currently in Bangkok, waiting for our bus to Koh Tao. We are now going to relax and top up our tans on the beaches of southern Thailand.

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Freo over the next 6 weeks from 26th Oct until 10th Dec 2007

So we've started working in the Fremantle Bake House (FBH). We were working on the floor as wait staff. It was really easy to pick up, most of the people would ask us where we are from and what we are doing over here. We were taking orders at the table and taking out food. Then we started moving to behind the counter. Then I was asked to help in the kitchen, doing some prep and then some cooking. This increased my hours and Hannah ended up with more hours because of it. We met loads of great people, some of them we will always keep in touch with.
Our days started with work and most of the time finished with a beer with Sal, the manager and really cool. Once in the kitchen I got really really close to Chantal. She's a crazy, fun loving, great person. We got really close to Sal and Chantal and because of this became friends with Jez and Jess (Sal's sister). We didn't do much in Fremantle apart from work and make loads of friends, as Hannah and I didn't have the same days off. But it didn't matter as the coffee house closed at 6pm-ish. So we had every night together.
We had a few nights were we went to the pub after a crappy day, as Sal was buying the 1st beer and then that changed into a few more, and as Sal was seeing the pub manager we then ended up with another beer from somewhere. Great times!
We also got really close to a guy we met at the campsite called Marcus. He's an Aussie guy, really big hearted and we became really good friends.
Fremantle is a great place, beautiful feel, like a holiday destination and the people we met were brilliant.
In between working and having loads of fun we had some people come and look at the van. We had one couple interested but dropped out at the last minute. So we then had to plan driving over to Melbourne for Christmas as Hannah's mum was coming over for a family Xmas.We had to tell FBH we were leaving earlier than planned.

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